(Disclaimer: Owner/Writer of this site is not a doctor. Information here is collated and referenced to source documents as much as possible. Please do your own research to validate. This page was last updated in June 2024.)
Many who are vaxxed and boosted now have 'vaccine regret'. While there are still no known protocol to reverse the effect of the mRNA jabs and its instruction to produce spike proteins continuously, there are remedies available to minimize the effect of these spike proteins. Below are links to the more popular doctor groups who have their own protocols for this. The protocols vary, hence you may want to study these first.
Many who are vaxxed and boosted now have 'vaccine regret'. While there are still no known protocol to reverse the effect of the mRNA jabs and its instruction to produce spike proteins continuously, there are remedies available to minimize the effect of these spike proteins. Below are links to the more popular doctor groups who have their own protocols for this. The protocols vary, hence you may want to study these first.
- FLCCC I-Recover Protocol - this group is headed by Dr. Pierre Kory (USA) and Dr. Marik (USA) who have successfully used Ivermectin (IVM) in their treatment of Covid 19. This protocol for vaccine injuries is composed mainly of IVM and other mostly anti-inflammatories. Recently, they added Nattokinase which is perhaps the most important item in the protocol as it is one of the few remedies that are understood to neutralize spike proteins.
- WCH Spike Protein Detox Guide - this group is headed by Dr. Tess Lawrie (UK) and this webpage focuses on the main culprit (i.e. spike proteins), discusses natural remedies, and distinguishes spike protein inhibitors (or blockers) like IVM, and spike protein neutralizers like NAC.
- COMUSAV Anti-Inoculation (AI) Protocol - this group is headed by South American doctors who follow the protocols of Andreas Kalcker. This appears to be the most complete and focuses on spike protein neutralization using CDS as the key component in the protocol.
- The Wellness Company - this group is headed by Dr. Peter McCullough, a widely renowned American cardiologist and a vocal critic on mandatory vaccinations. The treatment protocol centers on Nattokinase as a spike protein neutralizer. (Note: You can also source Nattokinase from other sources like Lazada).
- The COMUSAV AI Protocol is the most complete and addresses the toxic components of the jabs. In summary, the CDS neutralizes the spikes easily by denaturing it, NAC degrades graphene oxide, zeolite detoxes heavy metals, melatonin increases protection agains EMF radiation, grounding/earthing restores our bodies' eletrical charge balance to promote better blood flow and oxygenation (hence boosting immune system functions). It is a complete package given what we currently know about these 'vaccines'. To understand how CDS neutralizes the spikes, please refer to the other webpage.
- The COMUSAV AI Protocol is centered on the use of CDS. CDS alone provides the following benefits no other remedy can do. These include the ff:
- CDS neutralizes spike proteins
- CDS oxygenates the blood.
- CDS dissolves micro clots
- CDS kills viruses and other pathogens
- CDS revives red blood cells
- CDS restores and strengthens the immune system
If jabbed, take precautions already. It is widely acknowledged that the jabs may have dosing differences of anywhere from 1x-6x. Also, some maybe placebo only as these are integral in clinical trials. If vaxxed people did not experience any adverse event at the time of injection, this may indicate one has received placebo only, or very low dosing. Dr. Cole also speculates that some jabs may have been inactivated due to mishandling of the vaccine vials such that if the required temperatures were not maintained, the fragile LPN/mRNA will be inactivated rendering these impotent. This is good news for the person who received the jabs. In any event, as we are not sure, these precautions are worth looking at:
If jabbed, take precautions already. It is widely acknowledged that the jabs may have dosing differences of anywhere from 1x-6x. Also, some maybe placebo only as these are integral in clinical trials. If vaxxed people did not experience any adverse event at the time of injection, this may indicate one has received placebo only, or very low dosing. Dr. Cole also speculates that some jabs may have been inactivated due to mishandling of the vaccine vials such that if the required temperatures were not maintained, the fragile LPN/mRNA will be inactivated rendering these impotent. This is good news for the person who received the jabs. In any event, as we are not sure, these precautions are worth looking at:
- Have blood tests done. These may include any of the ff: a. Live Blood Analysis (LBA) - you can visually see if your blood is normal or abnormal already. b. D-Dimer and Troponin tests - if elevated, these likely indicate micro-clotting already. c. Standard Blood Tests - if many items are out of range, it is likely these are effects of the vaccine and/or spike proteins. Take remedial action immediately. Spike protein neutralization in the COMUSAV AI Protocol is very important. A recent Italian study shows that 94% of vaccinated patients with adverse events already have abnormal blood. Detoxing from the vaccine/spike proteins may take anywhere from 1-6 months depending on the amount of accumulated spike proteins in the body.
- Monitor these (LBA, or D-dimer, or Std Blood) tests/levels monthly until it normalizes. Once normalized, you may still need to continue taking spike protein neutralizers like CDS or NAC albeit at much lower dosages. Spikes are continuously generated, hence neutralizing these as these get produced may likely be only way forward. This will need to be done on a continuous basis until doctors/experts find an 'off-switch' to this. NAC is a disulfide disruptor which also denatures spike proteins. This is ideal for maintenance dosing as NAC tablet is only taken once a day.
- Many people (even unvaxxed) take CDS on a regular basis for general health. CDS is known to treat many other illnesses/disorders as it stengthens the persons natural immune system. It provides rapid oxidation ridding one's body of pathogens hence it is a good remedy for any type of virus, and it's variants. It provides rapid oxygenation so provide much needed oxygen to cells to promote mitochondrial activity to strengthen immune systems. Cancers do not appear in cells that have rich oxygen supply. Many health benefits can be expected in using CDS such that using CDS for longer duration is extremely beneficial even for the unvaxxed. It is easy to take, and extremely affordable for everyone.
- Join self-help groups and share your experience.