One life saved, will be worth all our efforts combined!
Doctors Needed!!! - We need local doctors to register and join these conferences and learn. We will provide technical materials, and samples. Pls. contact us for details at [email protected]
Volunteers Needed!!!! - We are looking for volunteers mostly for information dissemination. Volunteeers will learn a lot about this. Learn more, share more! Pls. contact us at [email protected] to discuss how you can help. Remember, the life you may save maybe yours, or your loved ones. Thank you.
Doctors Needed!!! - We need local doctors to register and join these conferences and learn. We will provide technical materials, and samples. Pls. contact us for details at [email protected]
Volunteers Needed!!!! - We are looking for volunteers mostly for information dissemination. Volunteeers will learn a lot about this. Learn more, share more! Pls. contact us at [email protected] to discuss how you can help. Remember, the life you may save maybe yours, or your loved ones. Thank you.
Doctors from South America, fed up with the unfair censorship on the benefits of Chlorine dioxide, banded together and organized Comusav. Now in over 23 countries with over 5,000 doctors sharing their experiences.
Comusav conferences (English)
Comusav conferences (Spanish)
All past conferences (in Spanish) shall be sub-titled in English very soon. Please bear with us . . . .