(Disclaimer: Owner/Writer of this site is not a doctor. Information here is collated and referenced to source documents as much as possible. Please do your own research to validate. This page was last updated in Jan 2023.)
Many doctors are now reporting aggressive cancers found in Covid 19 vaccinated patients. Dubbed as 'Turbo Cancers', these usually appear at Stage 4 already (multiple sites, and extremely aggressive). These cancers also do not respond well to traditional cancer therapies such as radiation and chemo. Here are just a few short clips of doctors explaining these:
It is now widely believed by many doctors that the spike proteins generated by vaxxed people deregulates cancer suppression mechanisms like the P-53 gene, and TLR-4 receptors, and other immune system mechanisms which keep cancer cells in check. As a result, these opportunistic illnessess are able to thrive unabated in several parts of the body within a short period of time.
Moreover, this is also compounded by a vaxxed person's abnormal blood. A recent peer-reviewed study from Italy suggests that as high as 94% of all vaxxed people with adverse events already have abnormal blood. Having abnormal blood will present many problems including clotting/micro-clotting. The inability of these blood/Red Blood Cells (RBC) in delivering much needed oxygen to all the organs of the body becomes the primary problem. Without oxygen (the primary nutrient of cells), patients will always be weak, lethargic and unable to heal. Oxygen is the primary source of energy (together with carbs, proteins). Restoring the supply of oxygen is then paramount.
Vaxxed people with turbo cancers will likely have very low red blood cell (RBC) levels. Covid 19 vaccines are alredy known to damage the RBC/Hemoglobin thereby severely suppressing the blood to carry oxygen. We know that anaerobic environment (lack of oxygen) promotes cancer growth. There are many videos on alternative platforms that compare vaxxed blood and unvaxxed blood. Here is a video from Dr. Fleming showing blood clotting and oxygen deprivation after Covid 19 vaccinations. Also vaxxed people will likely have high white blood cell (WBC) levels. WBCs are the immune system's soldiers in fighting infection. As a vaxxed person's spike proteins increase, the likelihood of our immune system mounting an attack on these spike proteins becomes higher. Many vaxxed people develop auto immune disorders as the immune system itself begins to attack any organ of the body that expresses these spike proteins. WBC and the T-Cells should be keeping cancer cells in check but as a result of damaged receptors, these don't function rendering them useless for cancers, and troublesome for healthy cells.
In summary, vaxxed people with turbo cancers will need to:
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)
CDS is the only known substance/remedy that can do all six above. Though not an approved 'medicine', CDS is a recognized anti-tumor and cell regeneration remedy even before the pandemic. Although there are other oxidative therapies that increase the oxygen in the blood, only CDS (and possibly Hydrogen Peroxide) can do this without the need for RBCs as oxygen carriers. CDS by itself in an oxygen carrier. Here are videos/articles from doctors on this:
What to do:
1. For all vaxxed patients, you can follow the Comusav Anti Inoculation (AI) Protocol
2. For terminally ill cancer patients on palliative care - you may require extra CDS dosing as likely, the chemo therpies that have been applied may have aggravated the situation. Chemotherapy will damage other organs and it will render patients very weak. Kindly refer to the Comusav/Kalcker Protocol T (Terminal) below in the appencides for more details.
3. For terminally ill cancer patients who have difficulty drinking the CDS solution, an intrevenous application will be the best alternative. Kindly refer to the Comusav/Kalcker Protocol Y (below) for this.
4. For patients in hospitals - there is a slim chance doctors/hospitals will allow CDS treatment inside a hospital. If possible, consider Protocol N (Navel) so the patient will be able to absorb some CDS even if minimal. Refer to appendices below for details.
Where to buy CDS:
Join the local chat group. They will help you source the precursors. Here are the links.
In the Philippines - Chlorine Dioxide Ph Chat Group
In the USA - TUA Chat Group, and/or Comusav USA Chat Group
Special Note to Patients and Family Members:
CDS is not an approved 'medicine'. It is however used by most water treatment facilities worldwide. Since Jim Humble discovered the many curing properties of Chlorine dioxide, it has been maligned by health authorities and big pharmaceutical companies. If you research Chlorine dioxide on Google, Youtube, and other big platforms, chances are that most of the articles you will read will be negative. Do not believe those. Nothing from nature will pass FDA approval. Herbs (e.g.Chinese medicine), molecular remedies (like oxygen, CDS, ozone, peroxide) can not be patented, hence, can't be profited from. FDA shall never approve CDS, will always be 'unproven' and will always be condemned and villified including those who speak about this. Please watch the 2 documentaries on Chlorine dioxide in the before making conclusions. (Documentary 1) (Documentary 2)
You may have tried the allopathic/traditional cancer treatments and have not had success. This is likely so because most of the doctors DO NOT consider your cancer as vaccine related/induced. Oncologists who do not look into this possibility do not have any idea what is causing these cancers to flare up, hence they have no idea how to treat these. Do not lose hope. Chlorine dioxide has been used in many patients with very good success rates. Despite that fact that health authorities are doing their best to suppress information on Chlorine dioxide efficacy against multiple illnesses (cancers included), a growing number of self-help groups, and homeopathic/naturopathic doctors are now using this unapproved remedy for cancer cure. We encourage you to know more about CDS/MMS by going through these links . . . .
Many doctors are now reporting aggressive cancers found in Covid 19 vaccinated patients. Dubbed as 'Turbo Cancers', these usually appear at Stage 4 already (multiple sites, and extremely aggressive). These cancers also do not respond well to traditional cancer therapies such as radiation and chemo. Here are just a few short clips of doctors explaining these:
It is now widely believed by many doctors that the spike proteins generated by vaxxed people deregulates cancer suppression mechanisms like the P-53 gene, and TLR-4 receptors, and other immune system mechanisms which keep cancer cells in check. As a result, these opportunistic illnessess are able to thrive unabated in several parts of the body within a short period of time.
Moreover, this is also compounded by a vaxxed person's abnormal blood. A recent peer-reviewed study from Italy suggests that as high as 94% of all vaxxed people with adverse events already have abnormal blood. Having abnormal blood will present many problems including clotting/micro-clotting. The inability of these blood/Red Blood Cells (RBC) in delivering much needed oxygen to all the organs of the body becomes the primary problem. Without oxygen (the primary nutrient of cells), patients will always be weak, lethargic and unable to heal. Oxygen is the primary source of energy (together with carbs, proteins). Restoring the supply of oxygen is then paramount.
Vaxxed people with turbo cancers will likely have very low red blood cell (RBC) levels. Covid 19 vaccines are alredy known to damage the RBC/Hemoglobin thereby severely suppressing the blood to carry oxygen. We know that anaerobic environment (lack of oxygen) promotes cancer growth. There are many videos on alternative platforms that compare vaxxed blood and unvaxxed blood. Here is a video from Dr. Fleming showing blood clotting and oxygen deprivation after Covid 19 vaccinations. Also vaxxed people will likely have high white blood cell (WBC) levels. WBCs are the immune system's soldiers in fighting infection. As a vaxxed person's spike proteins increase, the likelihood of our immune system mounting an attack on these spike proteins becomes higher. Many vaxxed people develop auto immune disorders as the immune system itself begins to attack any organ of the body that expresses these spike proteins. WBC and the T-Cells should be keeping cancer cells in check but as a result of damaged receptors, these don't function rendering them useless for cancers, and troublesome for healthy cells.
In summary, vaxxed people with turbo cancers will need to:
- Oxygenate the Blood without relying on RBCs. Oxygenating the blood is top priority as cancers cells do not grow in the presence of oxygen. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for proving that cancer cells thrive in the absence of oxygen (acidic environment), and conversely, cancer cells die in the presence of oxygen.
- Neutralize the Spike Proteins as soon as these are produced from inside the body - Spike proteins are the culprit and affects all major organs. Without the spike proteins, cancer suppression mechanisms will function again and prevent cancer growth.
- Dissolve the Clots - clots/micro clots are likely present already hence this needs to be addressed.
- Revive the Red Blood Cells and restore the natural healing process. Spikes damage the lymphatic system (bone marrow etc) where blood is produced. Neutralizing spikes early on will allow the bone marrow to produce the much needed healthy RBCs. It may take 90-100 days for the RBCs to fully replenish.
- Protect themselves from Viral and Bacterial Infections - many cancer patients succumb to bacterial and viral infections (like pneumonia). A viruscide or anti-viral protection is much needed.
- Restore and Strengthen the Immune System - vaccines and chemotherapy weakens the immune system and this needs to be restored. Oxygenating the blood will produce ATP and produce the much needed energy for the cells to fight the disease. Without energy, this will not happen.
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)
CDS is the only known substance/remedy that can do all six above. Though not an approved 'medicine', CDS is a recognized anti-tumor and cell regeneration remedy even before the pandemic. Although there are other oxidative therapies that increase the oxygen in the blood, only CDS (and possibly Hydrogen Peroxide) can do this without the need for RBCs as oxygen carriers. CDS by itself in an oxygen carrier. Here are videos/articles from doctors on this:
- Dr. Kalcker
- Dr. Chavez
- CDS Oxygenating the blood quickly
- Dr. Sircus - Reviving the Blood
- Dr. Sircus - Vaccine Induced Cancer - Chlorine Dioxide to the Rescue
- CDS kills all known forms of bacteria, viruses, fungi without the pathogens developing resistance.
What to do:
1. For all vaxxed patients, you can follow the Comusav Anti Inoculation (AI) Protocol
2. For terminally ill cancer patients on palliative care - you may require extra CDS dosing as likely, the chemo therpies that have been applied may have aggravated the situation. Chemotherapy will damage other organs and it will render patients very weak. Kindly refer to the Comusav/Kalcker Protocol T (Terminal) below in the appencides for more details.
3. For terminally ill cancer patients who have difficulty drinking the CDS solution, an intrevenous application will be the best alternative. Kindly refer to the Comusav/Kalcker Protocol Y (below) for this.
4. For patients in hospitals - there is a slim chance doctors/hospitals will allow CDS treatment inside a hospital. If possible, consider Protocol N (Navel) so the patient will be able to absorb some CDS even if minimal. Refer to appendices below for details.
Where to buy CDS:
Join the local chat group. They will help you source the precursors. Here are the links.
In the Philippines - Chlorine Dioxide Ph Chat Group
In the USA - TUA Chat Group, and/or Comusav USA Chat Group
Special Note to Patients and Family Members:
CDS is not an approved 'medicine'. It is however used by most water treatment facilities worldwide. Since Jim Humble discovered the many curing properties of Chlorine dioxide, it has been maligned by health authorities and big pharmaceutical companies. If you research Chlorine dioxide on Google, Youtube, and other big platforms, chances are that most of the articles you will read will be negative. Do not believe those. Nothing from nature will pass FDA approval. Herbs (e.g.Chinese medicine), molecular remedies (like oxygen, CDS, ozone, peroxide) can not be patented, hence, can't be profited from. FDA shall never approve CDS, will always be 'unproven' and will always be condemned and villified including those who speak about this. Please watch the 2 documentaries on Chlorine dioxide in the before making conclusions. (Documentary 1) (Documentary 2)
You may have tried the allopathic/traditional cancer treatments and have not had success. This is likely so because most of the doctors DO NOT consider your cancer as vaccine related/induced. Oncologists who do not look into this possibility do not have any idea what is causing these cancers to flare up, hence they have no idea how to treat these. Do not lose hope. Chlorine dioxide has been used in many patients with very good success rates. Despite that fact that health authorities are doing their best to suppress information on Chlorine dioxide efficacy against multiple illnesses (cancers included), a growing number of self-help groups, and homeopathic/naturopathic doctors are now using this unapproved remedy for cancer cure. We encourage you to know more about CDS/MMS by going through these links . . . .
Protocol Y (Hypodermic) - Used in cases patients are too ill to drink CDS, or have kidney problems and can't take a lot of liquids.
Protocol N (Navel) - used in cases patients have difficulty in drinking CDS, and not able to have the intravenous/hypodermic protocol.