'Shedding'/Transmission has not yet been proven and there are no scientific studies about this yet. However, there are already so many anecdotal evidences from people who have been affected by this phenomena. Moreover, there are official documents from the 'vaccine' manufacturers that point to the existence of 'shedding'/transmission. Also, there are several US government agency papers pointing to this as well. These include:
- Pfizer Documents
- US Government documents
- Dr. Fleming presenting these
- Lipid Nano Particles 'LNP' that carry the mRNA (for Pfizer and Moderna) - based on the EMA-Moderna report, the LNP is extremely efficient and gets to deliver all the mRNA into the cells within 24 hrs, Within 1-3 days, all mRNA constructs are already gone. Hence, to avoid possible 'shedding'/transmission, avoid the jabbed for 3 days upon injection.
- Adenovirus that carry the mRNA (for Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson) - with traditional vaccines, it is accepted that a vaccinated person sheds for 2-3 weeks. Adenoviruses are not as efficient in delivering the mRNA (compared with LNP) so it takes longer. Hence, avoid the newly jabbed for 3 weeks to prevent possible mRNA transmission.
- Spike proteins produced by #1 and #2 - vaxxed people will be producing spike proteins (or 'spikes') from within their cells. This is the very purpose of the mRNA technology. No one know if the production of spikes will stop. Many doctors believe that it will not stop, and that the cells will produce these spikes 24/7, without an off switch. As such, 'shedding'/transmission of these spike proteins will likewise be non-stop. Avoiding vaxxed people may not be possible so precautions should be made.
- Graphene oxide - researchers have found Graphene oxide (GO) in the 'vaccines', and the symptoms of GO poisoning is similar to the Covid 19 symptoms. Many believe the GO can also be transmitted and cause adverse reactions to the unvaxxed. GO is eventually degraded by the body's glutathione production. Hence, after a while the GO in the vaxxed will eventually be degraded altogether and may not be transmitted anymore. There is no information how long this process takes.
- EMF/5G Radiation - many doctors (including Comusav doctors) have confirmed that vaxxed people emit higher EMF radiation than unvaxxed people. One theory is that the jabs affect the body's ferratin (iron regulator) thus making the person become magnetic, and more susceptible to EMF radiation. People who are electrohypersensitive can experience immediate adverse reaction simply by being near vaxxed people.
- Exosome Triggers - many believe that vaxxed people transmit something that causes the unvaxxed to trigger exosome release. These include toxins that cause the adverse reactions with the unvaxxed. As a remedy, many people detox themselves regularly to rid themselves of the toxins which may cause these adverse reactions.