1. How much does your service providers it charge?
The US EPA thinks so. Because Covid 19 is new, no government has had extensive tests on it. However, because Covid 19 is a corona virus, the US EPA went through its list of all disinfectant brands in its database and identified those that can kill similar viruses. These are the ones that are included in their 'approved' list. The US EPA list also cover which of the chemicals have harmful residue, and which don't. Hence, one can see which of the chemicals are safe and which are not as safe.
3. Does the Philippines have a similar list?
Unfortunately, we don't have one yet. The FDA has a list of legitimate brands of handsanitizers and alcohols. The list seems to have been published to combat the rise of fake handsanitizers that are being sold. See: The DOH also published guidelines for LGUs on proper cleaning and disinfection. The list includes only the use of chlorine based products like calcium hypochlorites (chlorine powder/granules used for swimming pools), and sodium hypochlorites. List seems to be prepared in consideration of what are commonly available in the market and accessible to all. The guidelines highlight the use of these chemicals for wiping not spraying. Special mention is made that if no other choice, spraying can be done although special precaution should be made as inhalation pose health issues. See:
4. Is Oxine/Chlorine Dioxide safe to be inhaled?
Yes it is at prescribed concentrations.. US OSHA permits chlorine dioxide inhalation at 0.1ppm for 8hrs a day, 40 hours a week and a short term exposure limit (STEL) of 0.3ppm for 15 mins/day. For air sanitation, we set our dosing equipment to produce 0.03ppm - 0.1ppm, safe for people, but not for the virus.
5. Do we need to sanitize/disinfect the air?
Many scientists believe it is airborne. We believe WHO will likely change its position and declare Covid 19 to be airborne. We do not want to take any chances, and there are many benefits to air sanitation. Hence, we strongly recommend air sanitation using Oxine Chlorine Dioxide.
6. Are all Chlorine Dioxide Solutions the same?
No. - Not all Chlorine Dioxide solutions are the same. Some have other additives that are not safe for ingestion, and inhalation. To be sure, check with EPA List N (ase mentioned in previous pages). BE INFORMED
7. We have a building, and our own janitorial crew. Can you help us set up our sanitation program so we can just buy Oxine/OxiKlean from you?
Yes, that is part of our mission. If your disinfection requirement is on a daily basis, it makes more sense for us to train your people and guide you on proper equipment selection. However, if your disinfection requirement is only on a weekly basis, we recommend that you work with our service providers.
- Spray Disinfection (Mist Spraying + Manual Spray & Wipe): Php 2,000/hr (100m2-200m2) or P15/m2.
- Fogging/Fumigation: Php 7.50/m2* (assume 3m height)
- Air Sanitation (running 8 hours/day): N/A (this requires customization, pls contact us. However, for your estimations, if you have an office space that is 100m2 x 3m (h), your cost will be around Php 50/day - Php 150/day depending on the set-up.
The US EPA thinks so. Because Covid 19 is new, no government has had extensive tests on it. However, because Covid 19 is a corona virus, the US EPA went through its list of all disinfectant brands in its database and identified those that can kill similar viruses. These are the ones that are included in their 'approved' list. The US EPA list also cover which of the chemicals have harmful residue, and which don't. Hence, one can see which of the chemicals are safe and which are not as safe.
3. Does the Philippines have a similar list?
Unfortunately, we don't have one yet. The FDA has a list of legitimate brands of handsanitizers and alcohols. The list seems to have been published to combat the rise of fake handsanitizers that are being sold. See: The DOH also published guidelines for LGUs on proper cleaning and disinfection. The list includes only the use of chlorine based products like calcium hypochlorites (chlorine powder/granules used for swimming pools), and sodium hypochlorites. List seems to be prepared in consideration of what are commonly available in the market and accessible to all. The guidelines highlight the use of these chemicals for wiping not spraying. Special mention is made that if no other choice, spraying can be done although special precaution should be made as inhalation pose health issues. See:
4. Is Oxine/Chlorine Dioxide safe to be inhaled?
Yes it is at prescribed concentrations.. US OSHA permits chlorine dioxide inhalation at 0.1ppm for 8hrs a day, 40 hours a week and a short term exposure limit (STEL) of 0.3ppm for 15 mins/day. For air sanitation, we set our dosing equipment to produce 0.03ppm - 0.1ppm, safe for people, but not for the virus.
5. Do we need to sanitize/disinfect the air?
Many scientists believe it is airborne. We believe WHO will likely change its position and declare Covid 19 to be airborne. We do not want to take any chances, and there are many benefits to air sanitation. Hence, we strongly recommend air sanitation using Oxine Chlorine Dioxide.
6. Are all Chlorine Dioxide Solutions the same?
No. - Not all Chlorine Dioxide solutions are the same. Some have other additives that are not safe for ingestion, and inhalation. To be sure, check with EPA List N (ase mentioned in previous pages). BE INFORMED
7. We have a building, and our own janitorial crew. Can you help us set up our sanitation program so we can just buy Oxine/OxiKlean from you?
Yes, that is part of our mission. If your disinfection requirement is on a daily basis, it makes more sense for us to train your people and guide you on proper equipment selection. However, if your disinfection requirement is only on a weekly basis, we recommend that you work with our service providers.
Other Related Questions:
1. Is Chlorine Dioxide the same as 'Bleach'?
No. - The term 'bleach' is commonly associated with Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite). Chlorine Dioxide is different, and also acts differently than Chlorine. Chlorine Dioxide works faster, safer, has no toxic residue, and does not form harmful/carcinogenic by-products. BE INFORMED
2. Can Chlorine Dioxide cure patients with Covid 19?
Currently, there is no approval for use as oral treatment. However, some experts think so, and clinical trials are underway. See:
Note: We are not suggesting anyone to take/ingest Chlorine Dioxide as a cure for Covid 19. The information above is just to let our readers know, and BE INFORMED.
3. Is Oxine related to the company OXO Chemie that had patents on use/application of Chlorine Dioxide as a cure for HIV?
No. - Oxine in not related to that company.
4. Is Oxine MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)?
Oxine and MMS share the same active ingredient Chlorine Dioxide. That is all. Many people believe that MMS is a wonder drug that has cured many diseases including malaria, autism, cancer, etc. We are not doctors and certainly not qualified to comment on its efficacy as a medicine/drug. We are sharing this information about chlorine dioxide only for the purpose letting our readers know more about chlorine dioxide and to BE INFORMED.
No. - The term 'bleach' is commonly associated with Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite). Chlorine Dioxide is different, and also acts differently than Chlorine. Chlorine Dioxide works faster, safer, has no toxic residue, and does not form harmful/carcinogenic by-products. BE INFORMED
2. Can Chlorine Dioxide cure patients with Covid 19?
Currently, there is no approval for use as oral treatment. However, some experts think so, and clinical trials are underway. See:
Note: We are not suggesting anyone to take/ingest Chlorine Dioxide as a cure for Covid 19. The information above is just to let our readers know, and BE INFORMED.
3. Is Oxine related to the company OXO Chemie that had patents on use/application of Chlorine Dioxide as a cure for HIV?
No. - Oxine in not related to that company.
4. Is Oxine MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)?
Oxine and MMS share the same active ingredient Chlorine Dioxide. That is all. Many people believe that MMS is a wonder drug that has cured many diseases including malaria, autism, cancer, etc. We are not doctors and certainly not qualified to comment on its efficacy as a medicine/drug. We are sharing this information about chlorine dioxide only for the purpose letting our readers know more about chlorine dioxide and to BE INFORMED.